923 Loop Rd
Northfield, VT 05663
Experiencing Green Mountain Girls Farm's livestock on pasture is more similar to watching wildlife in a national park than a petting zoo. But that doesn’t mean they don’t know that plush toys originate in the barnyard! While this year’s flock keeps grazing and ruminating on pasture, you will enjoy a close tactile examination of a range of incredible pelts. The flock is comprised of Katahdin, hair sheep whose pelts vary in color and texture and East Friesian-Lacaune crosses whose thick wool pelts are plush and cream colored. Beyond the supple and luxurious soft texture you will feel the lanolin, the waxy secretion that acts to waterproof sheep skins and is widely used in products to care for human skin.
When the farm processes animals, this remarkable product feels as weighty and valuable as the meat. And they know that regeneratively-raised Sheepskins are an absolute gift, providing the simplest form of comfort that comes when our deepest needs are met. They are the farthest thing possible from fast fashion! Green Mountain Girls farmers will share photos and information about the work they do preserving the pelts at the farm prior to the beautiful finishing work by Vermont Natural Tannery, who use vegetable tanning method without harsh synthetic chemicals. https://eatstayfarm.com/2023/12/absolute-gifts/
Cost is free and no registration is required.
Note on finding farm: It is less than 2 miles from Northfield/Williamstown Exit. 2nd left onto Loop Road if coming from I-89.
Created in 2009, Green Mountain Girls Farm is steeped in the rich culture of Vermont's working landscape. Regenerative practices aim to grow food in ways that capture the greatest potential of the sun, rain and natural systems, while enhancing food quality, plant health, soil life and ecosystems. The farm employs low-till and permaculture farming techniques to feed regenivores and regenitarians who seek out meat from pigs, poultry, and small ruminants raised in intentional grazing systems. They also host tours; farm experiences and stays as well as farm-to-table meals. Customers and guests choose Green Mountain Girls Farm because they want their food and tourism choices to support social and ecological health. They satiate their senses, satisfy their quest for connection, and deepen their appreciation of Vermont and small family farms everywhere.