The Vermont Cheesemakers Festival is a true highlight of the summer. It is always a can't miss event. Walking around tasting cheese, sampling artisan food and drink on the shores of Lake Champlain, it can be magical. And as anyone who has been to a busy farmers market knows, there are certain strategies to have an even better time. The same can be said when attending the Vermont Cheesemakers Festival.
As a winner of the Cheesemongers Invitational in San Francisco and a board member on the Vermont Cheese Council, we knew Rory Stamp would be the person to ask for advice on attending the Vermont Cheesemakers Festival for the first time. Rory’s background includes both selling and making cheese (at both Consider Bardwell and Shelburne Farms) and he’s responsible for organizing and planning the educational seminars for the Cheese Festival. The following are three of Rory’s pro-tips for the event.
The Guiding Rule
"I find myself at so many of these events. I think you have to have a plan, you have to be prepared. Pace yourself! I think it’s easy to go in and have total sensory overload. It can be overwhelming. It is important to pace yourself and stay hydrated."
Show up early
"Show up with a list of your top five visits. Pick a handful of producers that will be represented there and make a point to visit them first. When you do that you’ll scope around and make a plan for a follow up so you can be exposed to cheese you’ve never tried before. That should be a priority. Look out for those producers you might not have heard of before or aren’t available in your market."
(If you plan to buy cheese, Rory’s next tip is key.)
Bring a cooler filled with ice.
"Some of the prices you’ll see at the cheese festival will be the best you’ve ever seen before. Like any great farmers market, when you get to the end, cheesemakers like to wheel and deal - they don’t want to come home with a cooler of cheese."
DigInVT Vermont Cheese Festival Protip
Do all of the above AND be sure to sign up for Rory's Vermont Cheese Festival educational seminars. You'll learn a lot.
This is part one of a two-part series with Rory. In part two we will cover cheese pairings.
For more adventures in cheese, explore the Vermont Cheese Trail.