226 Kurkul Rd
Putney, VT 05346
Sat, Aug. 12, 2023 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Come learn about the role that our Border Collies Poe and Cap play on the farm. Watch the dogs work sheep, learn about the history of various breeds and their roles in helping us farm. We couldn't do what we do on this farm without them! Afterwards try some of our maple syrup on some ice cream. Our herding events are early in the morning or later in the day so that we don't overheat sheep and dogs.
Donations accepted at the gate. Please register at http://morsebrookfarm.com/events/
Note: Some GPS will list it as Putney. Same place
Morse Brook Farm is a 207 hill farm overlooking the Connecticut River Valley and Mt. Monadnock. We pasture raise sheep and a small number of Dexter cattle. We have a large sugarbush and 80 acres of open land. We use Border Collies to manage our sheep and provide several events relating to the practice of sheep herding including hosting trials and educational events for border collie handlers.