487 Tampico Rd
Danville, VT 05828
Ever wanted to tour a micro dairy? Visitors can meet the cows, tour the barns, and see how their milk is produced. Sample fresh raw a2/a2 milk with a warm cookie and experience one of Vermont's most traditional foods. All are welcome! We will also be barbecuing up our farm raised burgers and sausages to raise funds for our FarmShare Program. In partnership with NOFA-VT, we are able to cost share our milk and meat CSA up to 75% for folks with financial need. Your support is greatly appreciated so that we can continue participating in this incredibly vital program and work towards addressing food insecurity within our community.
Sunday Bell Farm a diversified dairy farm in the NEK. They milk a small herd of intensively grazed, organically managed, A2/A2 cows whose whole raw milk is sold direct to consumer via their farm store, home delivery, and at the Caledonia Farmer’s Market. Excess milk is used to raise 100% grass fed beef, veal, free range eggs, pastured pork, and pastured chicken.