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Submit an Event

DigInVT publishes events that:

You do not have to have a DigInVT place listing to list an event. However, if you are a restaurant without a DigInVT listing, we do ask that the event be farmer-led to fit with our site's local agriculture theme.

Contact information

Provide your contact information in case we need to contact you about your event submission.

This information will NOT be publicly displayed.


Event information

Provide details about your event.

This information will be publicly displayed.

ex: 03/27/2025
ex: 03/27/2025
ex: 03/27/2025
ex: 03/27/2025
ex: 03/27/2025
ex: 03/27/2025
ex: 01/21/2016
ex: 03/27/2025
ex: 03/27/2025
ex: 03/27/2025
Describe if the event repeats at all. (ex: Second Tuesday of every month).
This is for admin purposes only, it will not be published.
Event location
Please write your event description in the third person. (ex: "Foam Brewers is hosting their third annual Halloween party..." instead of "We're hosting our third annual Halloween party...")
Contact name
If you prefer we link to a Facebook event page (or other social media page) enter that here.
Registration / pre-purchase required?
Ideal size is 800 px by 400 px or larger, please no photos over 1MB. Photos are strongly recommended. We don't require them for a listing, but we do need a photo for any event we feature on the homepage or in social media.
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