124 Admin Dr
Randolph, VT 05061
Dec. 5 — 9, 2023 All Day
Join the Vermont Maple Sugar Maker's Association online and in Randolph, VT!
The 2023 Vermont Maple Conference promises to be one of the year’s most exciting and informative educational and networking events for sugar makers from every corner of the industry. Whether you’re at 30 taps or 30,000, if you’re interested in expanding your knowledge, sharing ideas, and networking with fellow sugar makers, don’t miss this opportunity.
Once again this year the Vermont Maple Sugar Makers' Association will offer a hybrid option. Join them online Dec 6-8 to get a glimpse into the latest research, hear about locally successful business practices and re-engage with some of the fundamentals of sugar making. The in-person conference on December 9th at Vermont State University (formerly the VTC) promises to give attendees many opportunities to connect to other sugar makers, build relationships with manufacturers at our trade show, and learn more about the latest research and best practices from topics including climate resiliency, succession planning and more! New this year, they'll also offer a full day Quality School with Mark Isselhardt, UVM Extension, and Jason Lilley, UMaine Extension on Tuesday, December 5 from 8:30am-4:30pm.