1800 Higgins Hill Rd
Waterford, VT 05819
Sun, Aug. 11, 2024 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
This event has been canceled because of recent flooding in the Northeast Kingdom. Gingue Farm was not significantly impacted by flooding but they are working to fix the problems caused by the rains.
Our farm was not significantly impacted but we are working nonstop on fixing the problems the flood caused and are a week behind on 2nd cut so the field we planned to have it in may not even be cut by next week.
Gingue Family Farm is well known for its amazing sweet corn, and one of their favorite ways to eat it is by roasting it over a bed of red hot coals. Enjoy some of the best roasted sweet corn around and then take a self-guided tour of the farm. Take a walk up to see the heifers, say hello to the pigs and chickens and stop in the farm store to see the granite stone mill. Gingue Family Farm loves animals but asks that pets be left at home since they can scare the livestock.
Cost is $5. No registration required.
The Gingue Family Farm is a fourth generation farm that is constantly diversifying to continue to thrive. Their farm store is open daily 8-8, they sell their own farm raised beef, pork and chicken as well as other local products. Home of NEK Grains, they grow and harvest small grains that are then milled on-site into sifted flour, whole wheat flour and whole wheat pancake mix.