Hardwick Farmers Market
Atkins Field, 100 Granite St
Hardwick, VT 05843
Fri, Aug. 9, 2024 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
EVENT POSTPONED due to weather. It turns out the horses and goats are not super excited about working in the rain! Join INSTEAD on September 27, for a newly envisioned food, farm and harvest festival! Find more info at caevt.org/fun
However, the Hardwick Farmers Market IS STILL ON! Please attend (as it is safe) and support all of your favorite market vendors! Visit www.hardwickfarmersmarketvt.com or their social media pages for updates.
Head to Atkins Field from 3:00pm - 6:00pm on Fri, Aug 9th for an afternoon of summer fun to celebrate the NEK's vibrant agricultural community! This free event features horse drawn carriage rides, baby goat viewings, storytelling, live music by Vecchio Stile, kids activities, farmers market vendors, prepared food vendors, drinks by Caledonia Spirits and St. Johnsbury Distillery, and more.
Come celebrate the role agriculture has and continues to play in the community. This fun event helps celebrate CAE’s 20th Anniversary and is part of Open Farm Week and National Farmers Market Week. www.caevt.org
Founded in 2004, the Center for an Agricultural Economy (CAE) is a catalyst for change based in Hardwick, Vermont. They support rural communities and working landscapes by building a more interconnected local food system. CAE’s food justice and place-based education programming is rooted in our local Northern Vermont community, while their food hub enterprises and revolving loan fund operate statewide. Annually their programs impact over 500 farms, food businesses, local businesses, and institutions, as well as thousands of community members. They work alongside neighbors and partners to cultivate interdependence, take risks, and initiate change. www.caevt.org
The Hardwick Farmers Market is a vibrant, welcoming, free weekly event which highlights the Northeast Kingdom's agricultural past, present, and future. Join them for the free live music, an opportunity to connect with neighbors, friends, & farmers and to buy goods directly from producers of our region. While you're there, you can explore and enjoy the beautiful green space including the community garden & orchard, walking trails, and bicycle pump track. Find them every Friday, rain or shine! Hardwick Farmers Market Friday May 24th-October 11th, 2024 3:00-6:00pm Atkins Field, 140 Granite Street, Hardwick, VT https://www.hardwickfarmersmarketvt.com
Atkins Field is a place where local communities gather to grow, learn, harvest, experiment, and celebrate. As one of CAE's three primary locations, this expansive green space is home to the Hardwick Farmers Market, the Hardwick Community Gardens & Orchards, a covered public pavilion, a historic granite shed, and a bicycle pump track. It is also well-situated near trailheads to the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail and the VAST network.
Photo by Kent Shaw, Black Horse Farm wagon rides at the 2023 Community Farm & Food Celebration.