421 Trumpass Rd
Westfield, VT 05874
Sun, Aug. 14, 2022 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Stop in to Butterworks Farm to meet the farmers and cows, tour the farm, sample products, and indulge in one of their fresh and famous Butterworks smoothies!
Smoothies will be available for sale at the smoothie stand. Free tours & samples.
Butterworks is Vermont’s Original Organic Dairy where all cows (and pastures) have names! Our herd of Jersey cows is 100% Grass Fed and we are certified with both USDA Organic and Real Organic Project. Our cows spend the winter lounging comfortably on a deep bed of straw in our solar barn, or "resting on clouds" as some visitors say. Besides being a household name throughout Vermont and New England (owing to our tasty yogurt and other cultured dairy products), we are known across the nation for our Earth-friendly composting practices and the deep care we show our animals, including decades of alternative and homeopathic veterinary treatments. Located in the Northeast Kingdom, we operate one of Vermont's few remaining on-farm creameries.