112 Bourdon Rd
Woodstock, VT 05091
Sun, Aug. 7, 2022 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Visit Bourdon Maple Farm for a tour of the sugarhouse and to sample their organic maple syrup, handcrafted just this spring. See how a modern sugarhouse works with the latest innovations in technology and learn how sap turns into sweet golden maple syrup. Sugarmaker Meg Emmons will be bottling syrup so you'll be able to experience the sweet smell of sugaring season and taste warm maple syrup as if it had just come off the evaporator. Maple syrup will be available for sale in the sugarhouse as well. This event is great for families and for anyone excited about maple syrup. Dogs are allowed on the premises but must stay outside. Thanks for your understanding!
Note: Cross the Lincoln Covered Bridge from Rte 4 and turn right onto Bridges Rd. Continue 0.9 miles until turning left onto Bourdon Rd up a small hill. The sugarhouse will be directly in front of you.
Bourdon Maple Farm is a 10,000 tap maple operation that works hard to carry on one of Vermont's most longstanding traditions, utilizing the farm's natural resources and working with the seasons to produce pure organic Vermont maple syrup. In addition to being certified organic, the forest is conserved in the Vermont Land Trust and certified as part of the Bird-Friendly Maple Project through Audubon Vermont. Their maple syrup is available for sale at the sugarhouse year round and supplies several local restaurants in the area.