After living in Essex, Vermont since 1990, Stony Grove owners Dick and Anne purchased the old Pratt Farm in Jeffersonville in 2015. They've cultivated hundreds of apple trees and over a thousand blueberry bushes over the past 5+ years, which are now providing more and more delicious fruit. They offer pick-your-own blueberries and apples (Macintosh, Empire, Honey Crisp, Cortland, Crimson Crisp, Autumn Crisp, Liberty, Crimson Gold, Evercrisp, and Gala), and the farm stand in the barn offers their own just picked fruit, as well as cut flowers, eggs, honey, apple cider vinegar, and other delicious, local treats. The farm also has beautiful mountain views, space to picnic, and fields open for exploration. Stay tuned for Stony Grove's future endeavors, which may include farm stay opportunities, learning demonstrations, and more.
1286 Pratt Rd
Jeffersonville, VT 05464
July - Oct
Summer, Fall