After a long cold winter and a rainy mud season, June strawberries are a very welcome kick off to a sweet summer and fall. From late-spring strawberries and raspberries, to summertime sour cherries, blueberries and fall raspberries, we can all agree that it doesn't get better than freshly picked berries still warm from the sun and topped with slightly sweetened whipped cream from a local Vermont dairy cannot be beat.
Plan your summer around PYO berry season, we do! Below is a list split up by county to encourage you to go pick-your-own for every season! Be sure to always call the farm before your visit to verify their pick-your-own hours.
Champlain Orchards, Shoreham
From June to November, anyone and everyone is welcome to come picking at Champlain Orchards.
Mid-June: Strawberries (this year head to Douglas Orchards down the road!)
Late June: Cherries (Sweet and Tart)
Early July: Summer Raspberries
Mid-July: Currants
Late July: Summer Plums
End of July: Blueberries (very limited)
Be sure to check their website to find out when the following fruits will be ripe for the picking: blackberries, peaches, nectarines, elderberries, fall plums, fall raspberries, Asian pears, and early, mid, and late season apples.
Hours: Daily; 9:00am - 5:00pm
Phone: 802-897-2777
Last Resort Farm, Bristol
One of the first Vermont farms to offer organic pick-your-own strawberries, Last Resort Farm is a great place to pick berries. With experience growing strawberries since 1983, Sam and Eugenie's organic production methods guarantee the tastiest, safest-to-eat fruit.
Hours: July 1st - 4th; 7:30am - 12:30pm. Call for daily pick-your-own conditions and to order picked berries.
Pick-your-own red and black currants, raspberries, mulberries, and blueberries by appointment only.
Phone: 802-453-2847
Lewis Creek Farm, Starksboro
June is the month for strawberries. They start the month with strawberries from their high tunnel and end the month with outdoor strawberries. Somewhere along the way, they will be open for pick-your-own. Traditionally, strawberry season started with the first day of Summer, June 21st, and lasted through July 4th or even mid-July. In the last few years, the season has started a bit earlier and they have often begun picking by June 12th or so, but this means that they rarely have any berries left by the 4th of July.
Please call for pick-your-own hours! And look for the strawberry sign out front.
Phone: 802-453-4591
Merck Forest and Farmland Center, Rupert
The Center offers pick-your-own blueberries and raspberries during the summer and into the fall (as the season allows). Berries are sold by the pound. Bring your own containers or stop by the Visitor Center to borrow a pint or quart container.
Call ahead for berry availability.
Hours: Daily; 9:00am - 4:00pm
Phone: 802-394-7836
Chandler Pond Farm, South Wheelock
Chandler Pond Farm offers pick-your-own strawberries and blueberries in season.
Their strawberries and blueberries are raised organically. Strawberry season runs late June - mid July and is over before you know it, so plan ahead to make a trip while the picking is good! Check their Facebook Page for updates on when the season begins.
Blueberry season runs late July- early September. They have 500 blueberry bushes in their patch, on a south facing hill overlooking Chandler Pond. The scenery is beautiful and the picking is always plentiful!
Farm stand open 8:00am - 8:00pm.
Phone: 802-745-8607
Adam's Berry Farm, Charlotte
The pick-your-own season opens with certified organic raspberries in early July followed by blueberries from mid-July to late August. Adam's Berry Farm also grows strawberries and has the occasional June "pop up" strawberry picking - follow their Facebook and Instagram pages to be notified. If you are looking for fresh pre-picked berries or delicious farm made popsicles and sorbets, go visit their farmstand, stop by and say hello at the Burlington Farmers Market on Saturdays, or enjoy the berries at local markets and restaurants throughout Chittenden County.
Farmstand hours: Mon-Fri; 9:00am - 6:00pm, Sun; 9:00am - 4:00pm. Please call ahead for pick-your-own hours and to find out what's in season.
Phone: 802–578–9093
Sweet Roots Farm, Charlotte
Sweet Roots Farm, open year 'round has blueberries and sunflowers available for picking during the PYO season. While you're there, the farm market has a wide array of farm grown produce and locally produced products.
Hours: Daily during PYO season; 10am - 6pm
Year round Wed - Sunday; 10am - 6pm
Phone: 802-425-3652
Isham Family Farm, Williston
Their berry fields, established in 2003, include early and mid-summer-ripening blueberries, and summer and fall raspberries. Self-serve berry picking is available from dawn until dusk. Quart and pint containers are provided.
Early July and August: Blueberries
July: Summer Raspberries
September and October: Fall Raspberries
Hours: Daily; Dawn - Dusk
Phone: 802-872-1525
Full Belly Farm, Hinesburg
Each season Fully Belly Farm opens its fields for pick-your-own strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. They encourage people of all ages to come experience the delight of a just-picked berry - there is nothing more delicious!
Mid-June - Mid-July: Strawberries
Mid-July - Mid-August: Blueberries
July - Early August: Raspberries
Call ahead to find out what's available and for hours open for picking!
Phone: 802-453-3793
Paul Mazza's Fruit and Vegetables, Colchester & Essex Junction
Paul Mazza two convenient locations for pick-your-own berries! Strawberry season is a few weeks behind this year and will most likely start closer to the end of June.
Call ahead for pick-your-own hours and berry availability.
Essex: 802-879-3760
Colchester: 802-879-0102
River Berry Farm, Fairfax
River Berry Farm's berries are grown using organic and Integrated Pest Management (IPM), practices that help protect you and the environment. The organic strawberries are available as pick-your-own and pre-picked starting around the third week in June through the first week in July. Organic fall-bearing raspberries are available mid-August through September.
Hours: Daily;10:00am - 6:00pm
Phone: 802-849-6853
Knobby Hill Farm, Fairfax
Visit this honor-system PYO blueberry farm with 10 varieties of blueberries! Open from July - August.
Daily 9:30am - 8:00pm.
Phone: 802-777-9417
Cedar Circle Farm, Thetford
Cedar Circle Farm has a variety of pick-your-own options throughout the season including certified organic berries, flowers, and pumpkins. It's a fun family activity and a great way to explore the farm!
Late June - Early July: Strawberries, Daily; 8:00am - until picked out!
July - September: Flowers, Daily; 9:00am - 5:00pm
Mid-July - August: Blueberries, Daily; Dawn - Dusk
October: Pumpkins, Daily; 9:00am - 6:00pm
Pick-your-own hours listed above.
Farmstand hours: Apr - Oct 31st : Mon - Sat; 9:00am - 5:00pm, Sun; 9:00am - 5:00pm, Nov 1st - Dec 15: Thurs - Sat; 10:00am - 5:00pm,
Special Hours: Nov 21st - Nov 22nd; 10:00pm - 5:00pm, Nov 23rd; 10:00am - 3:00pm; Nov 26th and 27th; 10:00am -5:00 pm
Phone: 802-785-4737
Berry Creek Farm, Westfield
Berry Creek Farm was the first certified organic strawberry and vegetable farm in Orleans County in 1993! Pick-your-own strawberries will likely start around the beginning of July this year. Check out their Facebook page for updates and call to make sure the berries are ripe!
Hours: May - Oct: Mon - Fri; 9:00am - 6:00pm, Sat; 9:00am - 5:00pm, Sun; closed
Phone: 802-744-2406
Hartshorn Farm, Waitsfield
A certified organic Vermont farm producing and selling delicious, healthy vegetables and fruits from their roadside farm stand. CSA shares and pick-your-own strawberries and blueberries are also available.
Call for pick-your-own hours and berry availability. Open Mon - Sat; 10:00am -6:00pm, Sat; 10:00am - 5:00pm. Sun; 10:00am - 4:00pm
Phone: 802-279-8054
Knoll Farm, Waitsfield
Knoll Farm grows eight varieties of certified organic highbush blueberries on a breezy hillside overlooking the Mad River Valley. They also sell pre-picked blueberries, raspberries, and other fruit in their farm stand. Call to confirm picking conditions. They occasionally get picked out or close due to heavy rains.
Hours: July 14 - Mid - Late August: Daily; 8:00am - 6:00pm
Phone: 802-496-5686
Boyd Family Farm, Wilmington
Boyd Family Farm offers both pre-picked and pick-your-own blueberries. Bring your buckets and enjoy a fun-filled jaunt over to their blueberry field. Another pick-your-own offering is flowers by the stem. Call first to ensure berry availability!
Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Phone: 802-464-5618