Mar. 24 — 31, 2018 All Day
From March 24 - 31st, we're celebrating Vermont wine and ice cider at special events all over the state. Grab your friends, taste an old favorite, try something new, learn about Vermont's wine industry, which is growing every year. We've had a great time so far - and there are still more events! Check out the remaining Vermont wine week events below . . . plus some photos of where we've traveled so far. . .
Participating wineries include: Lincoln Peak Vineyards, Shelburne Vineyards, Iapetus Wines, Putney Mountain Winery, Montpelier Vineyards, Windfall Orchards, La Garagista, Snow Farm Winery, Boyden Valley Winery, Eden Specialty Ciders, Artesano Mead, Fresh Tracks Winery, and Boyer's Orchard. You can learn about the range of wineries in Vermont from the Vermont Grape and Wine Council.
A Big thanks to our sponsor - Front Porch Forum.