Located in the beautiful and remote Northeast Kingdom, Cate Hill Farm is a small, diverse permaculture/organic family farm, with a 5 acre apple orchard; 45 milking ewes; 60 lambs; usually a couple of chickens and pigs; and a small apiary. They sell most of their goods at the Capital City Farmers Market in Montpelier, depending on the season they might have:
- Raw milk, aged farmstead sheep cheese such as Vermanchego and Wild Mountain Tomme
- Certified organic apples, plums, and sour cherries
- Farmstead sheep cheese
- Sheep Skyr, a thick and creamy icelandic style yogurt
- Fresh raw organic apple cider and berry juices
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Grass fed lamb, by the whole, half, or cuts
- Wool, yarn, and sheepskin rugs
- CBD Ghee
- Animal fat salves made with 100% local ingredients
Photo credit Laura Oparowski
Cate Hill Orchard and Sheep Dairy
697 Shadow Lake Rd
Greensboro, VT 05827
Hours of Operation
Open Seasonally. Cheese available for purchase on site. Call ahead.