For seventeen years the Craftsbury Farmers Market vendor products have included fresh, wholesome food, and craft and artisan items produced locally. Free family-friendly entertainment enlivens every market day. Entertainment usually includes fiddle, banjo, guitar, and vocal music, circus performers, puppets, wool and alpaca fiber spinning, story-time for children, kids crafts, apple pressing, tomato tasting, and a Plein Air Paint the Common invitational. The Craftsbury Common green offers one of Vermont’s most stunning venues for slowing down, and enjoying each other and a sense of place. Bring your camera! All products offered are made or grown by the vendor or member of their immediate family.
SNAP/EBT, Farm to Family, and debit/credit cards are accepted.
Craftsbury Common, 1422 N Craftsbury Rd
Craftsbury, VT
Sat; 10:00am - 1:00pm
(May 22 - Sept 25, 2021)
Summer, Fall