Coming up this August 4 - 11th, 2024, is Vermont’s 10th annual Open Farm Week! That’s right, 10 years. Open Farm Week is a week of fun events at farms all over the state of Vermont. It’s a chance to learn more about Vermont’s agricultural heritage and about all the great things your farmer neighbors do for the community. This year’s growing event line-up is super exciting, so we’ve put together a sneak peak for you below. There is more to come! The complete list of events will go live in July. Now, take a look at some of the great experiences that you can have at this year’s Open Farm Week!
3rd Annual Great North American Maple Pie Contest
Baird Farm, Chittenden
Sat, Aug 10; 2:00pm - 4:00pm
This event has become an annual favorite! Enjoy a picnic and some pie at this yummy event that includes a pie contest with local celebrity judges, pie throwing, and lots of pie eating. The winner of the pie contest will receive a year’s supply of Baird Farm’s organic maple syrup, as well as other pie themed prizes! Bring the whole family for lawn games and pie themed music, and bake a pie if you would like!
Meet the Bees and Taste Honey from Around the World
Brookfield Bees, Brookfield
Sat, Aug 10; 11:00am - 3:00pm
Sun, Aug 11; 11:00am - 3:00pm
Meet the beekeeper of Brookfield Bees and watch some of the bees work an actual hive. Learn about the importance of pollinators, the benefits of unprocessed honey, and taste some too! Brookfield Bees has a huge collection of honey from all over the world, from Maine to California and from Iceland to New Zealand. Visitors will get to taste honey from various locations and floral sources. You’ll also enjoy complimentary cider and goodies. A sweet experience!
Picnic by the Pasture
Greenfield Highland Beef, Plainfield
Sun, Aug 11; 11:00am - 2:00pm
Bring a blanket and lunch to Greenfield Highland Beef, and enjoy a picnic among the mountains and the cows. It has one of the prettiest views in Vermont. There will be fuzzy Highland cattle calves to comb and cuttle, and a Highland decorated cake to enjoy after your picnic. Greenfield Highland 100% Grass Fed beef will also be available to purchase at the farm.
Historic Farmstead Stroll
Scott Farm, Dummerston
Sat, Aug 10; 11:00am - 12:00pm
Take an hour-long stroll through the historic core of Scott Farm and learn about its development over the years from its early days in 1791 as a multi-purpose farm to its current role as Vermont’s premiere heirloom apple orchard. It is also opening weekend for the Farm Market and Pippin’s Café! Scott Farm is also holding an Orchard Stroll, which you can find out more about here.
Farm Tour and Artisan Cheese Tasting
von Trapp Farmstead, Waitsfield
Fri, Aug 9; 11:00am - 12:30pm
Sat, Aug 10; 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Trace the path of the von Trapp Farmstead cheeses on a guided farm tour, including cheese tastings. Beginning at the farm store, walk out on pasture and learn about managing soil health and cultivating a diverse diet for the cows. From there, you’ll find the cows - either on pasture or in the covered barnyard taking a break in the shade! You’ll then peek in the creamery and learn a little about cheesemaking. Finally, you’ll return to the farm store where you get to sample all of the cheeses and check out the many local products in the farm store.
Feed and Meet the Pigs
Union Brook Farm, Northfield
Mon, Aug 7 - Sat, Aug 11; 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Enter the pen and meet the farm pigs at Union Brook Farm, including many full grown pigs and maybe even a fresh batch of piglets. Walk into the forest and feed the pigs bread from Red Hen Baking and veggie slops from the local grocery store. This event is great for all ages!
These are just a few of the events Open Farm Week has to offer. Check out more information about Open Farm Week here, and stick around for a full list of events coming soon!