Silloway Maple
1303 Boudro Rd
Randolph Center, VT 05061
Thu, Aug. 8, 2024 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
See how the boiled down maple syrup - only pure maple syrup - pours from the "pig", into the trough and is stirred, and then poured into molds. Everyone attending will have a sample of the fresh, warm candy. Enjoy maple creamees, tours, syrup samples, and self guided sugarwoods hike as well. Large playground and goats to see.
No cost or registration required.
Silloway Maple produces pure Vermont maple syrup using all renewable resources - sap from wild, native trees, wood fire, and solar power. Their family has been making syrup, sugar, candy and maple cream since 1043 on this farm, and wins many awards for quality. Famous for their maple creamees, they give tours showing their history and the maple production process.